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The Influence of School Uniforms on Students

Research about the influence of school uniforms on students has been less forthcoming than research regarding the influence of school uniforms on student achievement. Some students favor the dress code, believing it relieves peer pressure on fashion issues. Other students claim the school uniforms violate First Amendment rights of expression or prohibit individuality. Some schools have a very strict code, while others offer options that allow students to make some wardrobe choices regarding their uniform.
  1. Financial Advantage

    • School uniforms put all students on the same level in regards to fashion. In terms of students, this means that regardless of their family's economic status, they will be dressed the same as the other students. Putting all students on the same level in this financial sense gives low income students the same opportunity for self confidence and academic success as the richer students. School uniforms remove the pressure of competitive fashion in the classroom.

    Peer Advantage

    • Dressing in school uniforms helps put students at the same level, despite social or economical differences. Without the pressure of socio-economic differences, students can concentrate on academic excellence. The visual similarity helps to curb bullying among students and diminishes favoritism of students among teachers. School uniforms decrease fashion peer pressure and gives students more time to concentrate on academic and extracurricular success. Required school uniforms also eliminate the need to decide what to wear to school.

    Individuality Disadvantage

    • School uniforms are criticized for diminishing individuality among students. Uniform policies generally allow very few choices, none of which allow students to express their individuality. Some students try to express themselves through jewelry or hair styles; but those, too, may be controlled by a district policy. These students argue that school is more about learning to become an individual. By this theory, school uniforms rip the individuality away as well as the chance for achievement.

    Free Speech Disadvantage

    • Students who like to exercise their rights to free speech through apparel choices are often disappointed with school uniform policies. Most of the time, school uniforms are to remain free of buttons, ribbons or pins and since students are not permitted to wear graphic t-shirts, they are not given an outlet for creative expression through clothing or accessories. Students in most schools, however, do maintain the right to speak their opinions in the proper setting.

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