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The Effects of School Uniforms on the Self-Confidence of Students

According to the University of Oregon's College of Education, uniforms gained in popularity when President Clinton endorsed public-school uniforms in a 1996 State of the Union Address. Since that time, school uniforms have been a growing trend. Uniforms offer many potential benefits and numerous schools are adopting them because of the positive impact they have on a school's environment.
  1. Uniforms Decrease Violence

    • One of the most prominent benefits of uniforms is the influence they can have a child's emotional and mental health. According to the US Department of Education, school uniforms help create a safer environment for students. Uniforms decrease theft and violence among students over expensive, designer clothing. Additionally, uniforms prevent gang members from wearing gang insignia and colors at schools. A safer environment raises the confidence levels of students, and teachers and other staff may also feel more confident working in a safer learning environment.

    Uniforms and Designer Clothes

    • One thing that uniforms do is diminish visible socioeconomic differences among students. Uniforms inspire students to be less preoccupied with the concern of wearing designer labels and expensive clothes. This can increase the confidence level of children who would have otherwise felt embarrassed or inferior because of their wardrobe. School uniforms also greatly reduce the likelihood of students being teased because of their clothes, which leaves a student's self-confidence and self-esteem intact.

    School Unity

    • School uniforms seem to go beyond simply uniting children on a superficial level. The uniforms can promote and encourage overall unity in the school, which increases school spirit and instills a greater sense of community. School uniforms also instill a sense of school pride, school spirit and social acceptance. Feeling like part of a community is beneficial to a child's self-esteem and confidence.

    School Uniform Controversy

    • Throughout the country, disagreements on school dress codes and uniform policies continue and it isn't just parents and school officials who can't seem to agree on whether to use uniforms. Students also have conflicting views. The most controversial issue surrounding school uniforms is whether or not they are oppressive to students. Opponents of uniforms feel that they stifle freedom of expression. According to the Education Commission of the States, opponents also feel that uniforms infringe upon a student's freedom-of-speech rights, however, federal courts have ruled that school officials can legally regulate a student's appearance within certain parameters. For example, students who display a vulgar, obscene or indecent message that encourages inappropriate behavior can be disciplined.

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