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Advantages in Sports for Girls

Regular exercise is good for everyone and young girls need as much as 60 minutes of exercise per day. Participating in sports is a great way to fulfill this need. In addition to having fun and burning off energy, girls who participate in sports experience a number of social, physiological and academic benefits.
  1. School Performance

    • Exercise improves a girl's concentration, memory and learning, which puts her at an advantage in the classroom. Research shows that girls who play sports not only perform better in school, they are more likely to graduate than those who do not participate in some form of athletic activity.

    Hidden Health Benefits

    • Participating in regular physical activity has many hidden health benefits. Regular exercise helps girls maintain a healthy weight, and research shows that girls who exercise regularly are less likely to smoke. This reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and osteoporosis later in life.

    Life Skills

    • Working with peers towards a common goal can help girls to become successful in all areas of life. Team sports can teach girls valuable skills such as cooperation, negotiation and conflict management. These skills will benefit their careers and personal relationships.


    • Girls sometimes struggle with self-confidence. Playing sports helps girls feel better about themselves, both physically and socially. The camaraderie of a team setting helps girls build long lasting relationships. Those who participate on a team have the added advantage of feeling supported both on and off the field.

    Relieves Stress

    • Participating in sports is an excellent way to relieve stress and fight depression. The Women's Sports Foundation has found that females participating in sports suffer less depression than those who do not. Girls who participate in sports are less likely to become pregnant, as well.

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