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Multiplication Crafts

Multiplication skills are a necessity for nearly every job. Multiplication is also necessary for every day use at home, whether you need to figure out how much food you need for three people for five days, or simply doubling a recipe while cooking. You can create multiplication crafts that allow you and other individuals to enjoy learning multiplication while playing.
  1. Board Game with Multiplication Cards

    • Create a Shoots and Ladder-style game. Create cards with the numbers 1 through 10 on them, and stack them up. Create two of each card so people playing can multiply a number by itself also. If a person picks up two cards, say an 8 and a 2, they multiply 8 by 2 and move 16 spaces ahead. Create a second stack of cards with extra multiplication problems on them. The extra problems come up every "hot spot" on the game board and allow students to move forward. If a player makes a mistake solving the multiplication problem, they go back the amount of spaces the two numbers actually equal. For example, if they have an 8 and a 2, and guess 14, they have to move back the actual answer of 16 spaces.

    Uncover to See What it is

    • Find a coloring page from an 8 1/2-by-11-inch coloring book. Select a piece of construction paper that measure 8 1/2-by-11 inches and fold it down to create eleven separate 1-by-8 1/2-inch sections. Write a multiplication problem in each strip without the answer. Example, 8 x 5 = ?. Cut along the 11-inch folds, leaving a 1-inch space on the left border. Glue the construction paper over the coloring paper along the 1-inch side border. Have children remove each strip as they solve the problem, enabling them to color their picture.

    Flash Cards

    • Create fun multiplication craft flash cards with different items and objects. Use buttons, jewels, pieces of fabric or any other small and relatively flat object. Glue the objects to a card and have two stacks of cards. For example, to show 5 times 5, glue five red buttons and write "x" 5 red buttons. Cover the back side of the card with 25 red buttons.

    Multiplication Bingo

    • Draw a five-block-by-five-block bingo card on a piece of paper. Write any 25 numbers between 1 and 100 onto the paper. Write multiplication problems on paper using equations 1 x 1 through 10 x 10 on small sections of paper and place them in a bowl. Give bingo markers to people playing. Every time you pull a problem, read the problem without the answer. Allow players to figure the answer out by themselves.

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