How to Homeschool Your Kindergartener

Knowing when and how to begin homeschooling your kindergartner can be difficult. Some parents will purchase a full curriculum for kindergarten, while others teach their children with other resources. Some homeschooling experts say that formal teaching should wait until the child is between the ages of 8 and 12, while others feel that some formal teaching is appropriate for younger children. Which is more appropriate for your child depends on the disposition of the child and your child's interest in learning.


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      Wait until your child is ready to begin learning. Not all children are ready to start kindergarten as soon as they turn 5. But you do need to check your state regulations to make sure that you are complying with the "Compulsory Age of Attendance" for attending school in your state.

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      Begin with hands-on activities rather than textbooks and worksheets. Young children often learn better when performing hands-on tasks. Use number blocks, letter tiles and early readers to teach your child about letters and numbers.

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      Take your child on nature walks, sing songs with learning concepts in them or read books about other subjects. These activities will help your child learn without complete worksheets and will help him or her work on basic skills before beginning more complex topics.

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      Introduce just the basic subjects first. Do not attempt to have your child begin learning many different subjects right from the start. Introduce the basics, such as numbers and letters before you introduce formal material in other subjects.

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      Teach at your child's at pace. Do not worry about finishing a curriculum by the end of the year. Children all learn at different speeds. Do not rush through the last lessons at the end of the year so you can keep your child "caught up." It is more important to make sure that your child fully understands a concept before moving on.

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