How to Create a Student Report Card

Many parents choose to home-school their children. When they do, it is important that they keep accurate grades. Some states have more strict requirements than others, but recording grades and issuing a report card is still key. It lets both the parent and student know how well the student is progressing. Maybe there is a subject or two that the student is struggling with. Report cards can be made at home with ease as long as the parent knows what to include in the report card.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Word processing program
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    • 1

      Launch your word-processing program, and create a new document. Give your report card a heading. You can label it "Anna's Report Card," or "First Grade Report Card." Center and bold-face the heading.

    • 2

      Skip two lines and write your child's name and address across the first line.

    • 3

      Press "Enter" and type in the name of your school and your home telephone number. You can just enter "home school" for the school name, or make up one. Some home-schoolers give their school a name. It could have to do with the name of your street or town. For example, you could call your home school "Delsea Elementary School" if you lived in Delsea.

    • 4

      Write the grade the report card is for, followed by the school year on the next line. For example, you may have "2nd grade," then "2010-2011 school year."

    • 5

      List the attendance totals on the next line. It is important to write both the days present, and the days absent for each quarter. May states require home-schoolers to teach for a certain number of days. This will be your record.

    • 6

      Click "Insert," and then "Table" from your drop-down menu. You will need to customize the table by choosing six columns, and the number of rows. The number of rows is determined by how many subjects you have. Then add one because your heading counts as a row. Insert the following headings going across the top: "Subject," "1," "2," "3," "4" and "Final."

    • 7

      List each subject in one cell going down the row under the heading "Subject." These should include your basics: math, science, history and grammar. You will also need to include any other subjects you taught such as Bible, Spanish, art, music, or gym.

    • 8

      List the grades for each subject in the appropriate cell under the correct row (1 for the first quarter, 2 for the second quarter, etc.). For example, if your child got an 88 in History during the 3rd quarter, you would place an 88 in the cell box under the heading "3" in the row "History."

    • 9

      Average the grades in each row and place the total in the "Final" column. If your child got a 93-percent score in math as a final for the 2nd quarter, you would enter that in the cell box under the heading "Final" in the row "Math."

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