How to Make Conclusions

Reaching the point where you are ready to write your essay's concluding paragraph should be a moment of relief. However, too often it is a source of anxiety. You've spent the body of your paper presenting all the best ideas about your topic. What do you have left to say? Understanding the purpose of a paper's concluding paragraph and how to write a successful conclusion gives you confidence and helps you craft a paragraph that leaves your audience with a favorable final impression.


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      Adopt a firm and unapologetic tone. Take your last chance to convince your readers that all the points in your paper have worked to support your thesis statement. Stand behind your essay and assert that you have made a valid argument.

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      Reiterate your thesis statement, which you wrote at the end of your introductory paragraph. Do not use the same wording, but find a way to rephrase it while keeping its original meaning.

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      Synthesize the main ideas presented in the body of the paper. Find a new and interesting way to restate the material. Do not add new supporting research to the conclusion. Instead, briefly show how the research you have already used works together in order to reinforce the essay's main idea.

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      Add a thought-provoking element. Take your final chance to leave an impression on your readers. Show the audience the wider implications of your topic by discussing its impact on society. Create a question that requires the reader to further study the subject or take some kind of action. Use a provocative quote from a research source used in the essay or refer to something you wrote about in your introduction to bring a feeling of closure and symmetry to the paper.

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