Rosetta Stone Language Teaching Courses

Named after the stone bearing an ancient example of bilingual text, Rosetta Stone language courses are the world's top-rated language learning software, according to the company's own website.
  1. Rosetta Stone Teaching Method and How It Works

    • Rosetta Stone language courses aim to mimic the way in which children learn their first language. The courses are taught using computer software and CDs, rather than more traditional flash cards and dictionaries. The software presents the user with images and the voices of native speakers. The software features voice-recognition technology so that feedback can be given on pronunciation. The software surrounds the learner with imagery and sound without dictionaries or translators, allowing the learner to make sense of the new language in much the same way a baby does -- first with single words, building up to whole sentences.

    Who Uses Rosetta Stone Language Teaching Courses?

    • Rosetta stone language courses are used by individuals, schools, government agencies and businesses. Notable examples include the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Army.


    • The Rosetta Stone language teaching program has won various media and educational awards, notably Best Software in Second Language Foreign Language Learning Program annual awards by ComputED magazine in 1994 and 1996.


    • Rosetta Stone language courses are available in 31 languages. This includes different dialects of languages; for example, American English and British English.

    Does It Work?

    • Queens College in New York conducted an independent study of the language skills of students who used Rosetta Stone language courses. The study found that after 55 hours of course study, their skills were as good as students who had completed one semester of college language classes, where one semester was considered to be 45 hours of class time, with 39 hours of homework totaling 84 hours.

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