Polish Language Courses

Spoken by approximately 40 million people in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania, Polish is a western Slavonic language which is closely related to Czech, Slovak and Sorbian. Polish uses the same alphabet as English, with the addition of several accented characters to represent different sounds. Although some words are borrowed from other European languages such as German and English, the majority of Polish vocabulary will look unfamiliar to those who do not already speak another Slavic language. There is a wide range of different courses available to help you learn the Polish language.
  1. Online Courses

    • Finding a language learning program online is a great way to start learning Polish. Websites such as Learn Polish, Polish Grammar and the University of Pittsburgh offer basic introductory courses which can give you an overview of the Polish language and help you determine whether you wish to study it further. There are many Polish language materials available for free on the Internet which can supplement your chosen course and increase your exposure to Polish. Websites such as Radio Lingua's One-Minute Polish give you the opportunity to listen to Polish online or via your iPod.

    Polish Language Textbooks

    • A more traditional way to learn Polish is by purchasing a book containing a Polish language course. A selection of these will be available from larger bookstores, or you can search online for second-hand copies. Comprehensive courses include "Colloquial Polish: The Complete Course for Beginners" by Bolesaw W. Mazu and "Teach Yourself Polish" by Nigel Gotteri and Joanna Michalak-Gray. Following a course from a book may provide you with a more structured method of learning Polish than via the Internet.

    Audio Courses

    • If you enjoy learning via audio, purchase a Polish audio course. Many language textbooks come with accompanying audio to help beginners get a feel for how the language sounds, but it is also possible to learn Polish by means of courses which are audio-only. Michel Thomas is one of the most famous brands associated with this learning method, which enables beginners to get a good grasp of the Polish language without having to take notes or memorize complex grammar. Pimsleur is another well-known company which offers Polish courses in MP3-format.

    Classroom Polish Courses

    • If individual learning is not for you, consider attending a classroom Polish language course. Searching online may help you find local classes. Alternatively, one of the most effective methods of learning a language is by studying in the country where it is spoken. If you are already planning a vacation in Poland, consider combining it with a week spent in a special language college. This will enable you to immerse yourself in both the language and culture of Poland and you will have native speakers on hand with whom you can practice your new skills.

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