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Sorority Service Ideas

Volunteering is an integral part of the sorority experience because it builds character and gives back to the community. Many sororities are already committed to at least one national philanthropic cause, but you can explore other options to help better the local community of your university. Investigate the various needs in your area, and then plan how you want to go about reaching out to those causes.
  1. Children

    • Working with children can be a rewarding experience for both parties involved. Discuss individual strengths with sorority members to see how you can best be of service to underprivileged children. For instance, studious sorority members might benefit from weekly tutoring sessions with children who are struggling in her area of expertise. If tutoring sounds too intimidating, simply offer to be a friend to children who might have low self-esteem. Or, athletic sorority sisters could offer to coach a group of children in a certain sport. Ask local schools and aftercare centers about how to offer your volunteer services, and then assign your sorority sisters accordingly.

    The Environment

    • Support a healthy environment by offering your sorority's volunteer services to bettering the natural world. For instance, you could spend a day cleaning up a favorite local park by picking up trash and planting flowers and trees, or you could sponsor a recycling service around your university's dorms to make use of all those empty bottles and cans the night after a party. You could also sponsor a local school to help it go green by providing environmentally friendly materials to each class. The possibilities are endless, so evaluate your local community's immediate needs in terms of improving the environment.

    The Elderly

    • Working with the elderly can be an interesting and fulfilling service endeavor. Ask around at local retirement and nursing homes to find out what kinds of needs they have. Plan monthly visits to these establishments to visit with the elderly residents who may not receive any other visitors. Come up with entertaining activities for the residents, like dancing to their favorite music or playing games. Or, simply spend time conversing with the residents to find out about their lives. The main idea is to provide companionship to those who might not otherwise feel cared for.


    • Chances are there are needy animals at your local animal shelter, so call ahead to find out if there are specific areas that your sorority's services could be used. For instance, the shelter might benefit from biweekly visits by your sorority in which you help keep cages clean and spend time playing with the animals or walking them. Shelters also frequently welcome donations of animal care supplies, so you could set up several fundraisers on campus or within the community to receive items the shelter could use.

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