MBA Project Ideas

A Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree is a graduate degree focused on business and management concepts. Students take a wide variety of core classes focused in specific business disciplines such as finance, human resources and marketing. Many MBA programs require a culminating experience, project or thesis, and the student is generally responsible for determining the project scope and topic. The Education Resources Information Center maintains a large database of scholarly and research articles, including completed MBA projects and theses that students can review for inspiration.
  1. Business Plan

    • Students may create a business plan as their final project. The business plan could be for a start-up company, or it may focus on an existing company planning the roll-out of a new product line or service. Alternatively, the business plan could focus on an existing product being introduced into a new market.

    Marketing Strategy

    • Marketing strategy projects might look at a particular product or brand strategy, using competitive analysis to determine if there are threats to the product's positioning in the marketplace. Another possible project could review an established product to determine if there are alternate uses that might appeal to a new buyer demographic. A marketing strategy project could also research the possibility of expanding a domestic product to a new international market, considering factors such as price point and international market selection by demographic or attitudinal criteria. Projects based on marketing strategy might examine factors such as the optimal product packaging for maximum return on investment.

    Case Study

    • A case study is an in-depth review of an existing organization or product. Case studies allow for additional freedom on the part of the student to determine the topic area and to narrowly focus the scope of the project. Case studies could include feasibility studies on the introduction of new products, services or operational procedures or could be a critical review of the success of a particular deployment strategy. MBA students with a concentration in human resources or information technology may prefer a focused case study on a particular aspect of their subject, for example, the cultural adjustment of American workers in Japan or the ways technology can improve inventory control and distribution management.

    Financial Analysis

    • Students could also opt to complete a project involving financial analysis, either for an existing company or a new start-up. Examples of financial projects could include an assessment of a new investment strategy for pension funds or preparation of a venture capital proposal for a start-up. A potential project idea would be to review the financial trends of a company over time to assess the areas or products not actively contributing to the overall financial health of the company.

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