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How to Perform a Step Routine

Stepping connects African American culture with elements of African dance and rhythms. Although stepping is predominately known as a black fraternity and sorority art, it has spread beyond the Pan-Hellenic Council to other Non-Black groups. Here is an overview of elements to include when performing a step routine.

Things You'll Need

  • Hip-Hop music
  • Props
  • Shoes
  • Tacks
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      Form a step team with anywhere from five to fifteen people. Step teams are elementary through college age and are often school and church related organizations.

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      Create and learn a step routine that uses a combination of hand and feet rhythms. Some routines include hip hop music and dance moves along with the traditional military style steps. Watch music videos to find added inspiration for step moves and routine themes.

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      Use chants and songs as part of the routine to help keep the beat, entertain the crowd and create cohesion among the team. Every routine needs to have an overall story and can include videos, PowerPoint presentations and background props to enhance the story.

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      Incorporate formations, props like canes and crisp military-type movements such as straight arms. Wearing shoes or boots with added tacks adds volume to the beats and footwork.

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      Prepare and practice routines to be approximately 10 to 15 minutes in length and expect to be judged on originality, precision and coordination, set and costume design, difficulty and professionalism.

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      Practice step routine and work on precision and synchronization among team members. Then sign-up for a step show at a local college, church or community center and perform while having fun.

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