How to Schedule Semester Classes

Schedule your semester classes around the class availability, your work schedule and social obligations. College is an exciting time, and taking the time to properly schedule your classes can optimize your involvement with friends and social events. Priority should be given to the classes that are mandatory to your major. Talk to your counselor to make sure you are scheduling the correct classes at the right time. Be sure to consider the time it takes to get to class .


  1. Semester Class Preparation

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      Talk to your career counselor to see if remedial classes are necessary. If so, schedule these classes first.

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      Block out times when you have to be at work or scheduled events. Make sure your classes do not conflict with these events.

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      Map out your classes so you can see how far you have to travel from class to class. This is important when you have little time between classes.

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      Determine if the class has a lab associated with it. If it does, do not forget to schedule the lab with the class.

    Building Your Schedule

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      Write out your schedule in a document or spreadsheet so you can see which classes you have each day. Write out the class times and locations. Determine if you have enough time to get to class.

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      Add your work and other time commitments to the schedule and see if any conflicts occur.

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      Review and revise if conflicts occur.

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