Barriers to Student Retention

Each year colleges evaluate their annual retention rates which measure how many students enroll in an institution verses how many graduate. Colleges strive to help their students succeed so the schools focus on factors that cause students to both stay and leave the institution. Social support, academic expectations and institutional feedback are practices that create a feeling of community and inclusive learning, which schools with high retention rates strive to cultivate.
  1. Transition

    • The transition to college is a sensitive time when it comes to student retention rates. A poor student orientation program can cause students to leave the institution before completing the first year. Programs that lack a personal, social connection or treat students as groups rather than an as individuals can lead to feelings of alienation. A strong orientation program that connects incoming students to upperclassmen and professors alike can increase retention rates greatly.

    Academic Programs

    • The depth and strength of an institution's academic programs is the main factor in student retention past the first year. Students who have completed a year or two of a program now know what the expectations are within the program and face the decision of staying or transferring. Students who feel adequately challenged and are secure in the academic depth of their programs are more likely to graduate from their institution, being proud of their degree.

    Social Support

    • Social support is a major factor in student retention. Students who feel a sense of belonging are more likely to stay at an institution. A lack of student activities and a limited amount of student organizations can make it hard for students to connect on a purely social level, to find supportive friends or simply relax from classes. These programs also increase student involvement, helping students to feel as if their presence and actions are valued in the campus community.


    • School facilities are a minor, but important factor in student retention. Faculties including housing, dining, social space, classrooms, theaters, laboratories and performance space impact students on a daily basis. Welcoming, clean and up to date spaces make students more comfortable, reducing student stress and boosting morale. Likewise, academic facilities with advanced materials, especially in the science and mathematics field, increase the strength of the academic program.

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