Student Associations

Student associations strengthen leadership skills and socialization skills for college students. Students can network with others, support a cause or complete community service activities in student associations. Student associations can also help students develop organization skills as they manage volunteers, organize social activities and organize activities to raise money.
  1. Sororities and Fraternities

    • Sororities and fraternities are some of the most visible student associations on college campuses. Aside from social functions, many sororities and fraternities pride themselves in helping charities and the community. Sororities and fraternities encourage students to have good grades as well. Students also join sororities and fraternities for the networking opportunities. Not only can members network with peers, but they can also network with alumnae members of the organization, according to Case Western Reserve University.

    Academic Associations

    • Academic associations include math clubs, journalism clubs and science clubs. These associations give students the opportunity to network with students in their major or in an area of interest. Many academic associations are affiliated with professional organizations that hold job fairs and organizational meetings. Students can learn about the profession, including the best method for entering the profession and launching their careers. Students learn tips for creating resumes, finalizing portfolios and preparing for job interviews as well as get help conducting academic research while participating in academic associations.

    Community Service Organizations

    • Several college associations focus solely on community service. Like the fraternal and academic associations, the community service associations tend to have counterparts for graduates. From cleaning the environment to groups that protect abuse victims, college service organizations span a variety of interests. Examples of these groups include Amnesty International at Mercer College and Student Organization for the Protection of the Environment (SOPE) at Carleton College.

    Religious Associations

    • Because students worship in dozens of different religions, you will find different student associations that cater to religion. Find Baptist associations, Christian groups, Muslim groups and groups for Adventists. Students may participate in religious study sessions and work together in these groups. Students also socialize and network with others with the same religious beliefs.

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