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How to Give a Speech to Be President of Your Fraternity

Giving a speech to run for president of your fraternity can be a daunting experience, but it does not need to be so long as you keep things simple. Remember, the point of a campaign speech is to introduce yourselves to voters, address their concerns and tell them how you can fix problems. A fraternity election speech should be focused on these three elements so that it is concise, relevant and effective.


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      Speak with fraternity brothers before writing your speech. Perhaps the most important step in running for president of your fraternity is to conduct a listening campaign. Your speech must reflect the needs of the fraternity and the only way to determine the fraternity's needs is to pay attention to what its members have to say. Listening to your fellow brothers will also earn you votes because it is hard to dismiss a candidate who is running on a platform based on the ideas of the fraternity members themselves.

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      Explain why you want to be president and why you are qualified for the position. While some sources believe that there is no need to state who you are and what your fraternity accomplishments are, this can be a mistake because it is based on the assumption that all of your fraternity brothers are familiar with you. Not getting overly bogged down in the minute details of your fraternity accomplishments is a good idea, but you do need to lay a foundation for your candidacy. State how many years you have been in the fraternity and highlight major accomplishments. Give specific examples of how you are able to resolve problems.

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      Focus your speech on the two or three concerns most frequently mentioned by fraternity brothers. The selected themes will form your platform. Turn each concern into a goal with a solution and end accomplishment date. For example, if fraternity brothers are concerned about the fraternity's reputation in the community, convey that your goal is to elevate the fraternity's stature by providing volunteer tutoring sessions to high school students during the fall semester. Providing specific details of how issues will be addressed is a must. Practice your speech a few times before the actual date it will be given to lessen any anxiety you may feel and allot at least ten minutes for fielding follow-up questions from voters.

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