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How to Give a Speech in Fourth Grade

Giving a speech can be a nerve-racking experience. Most people are not born knowing how to be a good public speaker; it takes practice and preparation to nail a speech. Public speaking is many people's worst fear. Learning how to confidently give a speech will greatly lessen this fear. Fourth grade is a perfect time to learn how to be a great public speaker and develop this skill that will be useful for the rest of your life. To give a great speech, you will have to do more than imagine the audience in their underwear. Follow these simple steps below and you will be able to wow any audience.


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      Prepare for your speech. One of the best ways to combat nervousness is to simply be prepared. Know what you are talking about before you try to give your speech. If it is handwritten, make sure it is neat and readable. If it is typed, make sure it is in a font size that is easy to read. If you are required to memorize your speech, be sure to allow enough time to do so.

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      Know your audience. It helps to know what kind of audience you will have. For a fourth grade speech, the setting will be your classroom. The audience will be your classmates. You want to make your speech interesting and relevant to your classmates.

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      Speak clearly and loud enough so everyone can hear. Make sure that the person at the back of the class can hear you well. If you see people struggling to hear, slightly raise your speaking voice. Be sure not to do the opposite and shout the speech. Also, try to speak at a normal pace.

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      Keep eye contact with the students in your class. When you are giving your speech, try to make eye contact with different people in the class. This will help engage your audience and show you have confidence in what you are saying.

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      Be mindful of your hands. When giving a speech, it is best to keep your hands out of your pockets. Keep your hands either by your sides at a relaxed posture or holding your speech. It is a good idea to use hand gestures if they are appropriate.

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      Be yourself. This is important when giving a speech. You will quickly feel more comfortable and your classmates will enjoy seeing your personality.

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