How to Eat Healthy in College

Eating healthy in college might seem about as easy as getting an "A" in a 400-level math class. Between the dining hall chicken nuggets, the fast food burritos and the study session cookies, there's little room left for nutrition. Not so fast: with a bit of guidance, it's a snap to find healthy options on a college campus.


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      Investigate the healthy options in your school's dining hall. Nearly every college has a salad bar, where you can load up on leafy greens, juicy tomatoes and low-fat vinaigrette dressing. Opt for a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a greasy burger and munch on an apple instead of scooping up ice cream.

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      Play it smart at fast food restaurants. Ask for a plain baked potato instead of calorie laden fries, order your tacos without cheese or sour cream and choose pizza that's light on cheese and heavy on veggies.

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      Skip sugary drinks. A non-diet soda contains around 180 calories and a blended coffee drink can contain more than 500 calories. Drink plenty of water and satisfy a caffeine craving with diet soda or--even better--green tea.

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      Stock your dorm room with healthy snacks. When you've been studying for hours and need a snack break, you'll reach for whatever is convenient. Keep foods like dried fruit, walnuts and plain popcorn close by.

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