How to Succeed in College

The college experience is exciting and rewarding, but it can be overwhelming too. This might be the last time in your life you can devote the majority of your energy to the pursuit of learning. Make the endeavor a successful one by following these basic, but necessary steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Study partner
  • Enough sleep
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      Attend class. This sounds obvious, but students set themselves up for failure when they take advantage of the fact that college professors do not notice and may not even care if students attend each class.

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      Read the assignment before class. You will get more out of the lecture and ask better informed questions if you at least skim the assigned reading before class.

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      Sit in the front row in class. Sitting close to the professor will help you to stay engaged in what he or she is saying, will help the professor recognize your presence in the class and might help you stay awake!

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      Find a study partner. Studying, like most chores, is more enjoyable when the task is shared with a friend. A study partner can also be a source of notes if you miss a class.

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      Get some sleep. Away from the structure of home life, many students fall prey to the allure of pulling all-nighters. Lack of sleep will dull your concentration and your ability to learn.

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      Practice moderation in your social life. College is a time where vulnerable students find themselves turning to alcohol or drugs for stress relief. Seek the advice of a college counselor if you feel your social life derailing your studies.

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      Balance your studies with other pursuits. Achievement does not mean chaining yourself to the library all the time. Explore the social organizations, religious activities and sporting events your college has to offer.

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