Where Can I Get Loans & Grants for School?

As the price of college tuition rises, it's important for students to seek out as much financial aid as possible. Financial aid can be found through government programs, loans from banks, scholarships and grants from certain organizations.
  1. Government Grants and Loans

    • The federal government offers grants and loans for students who need financial aid. For example, the Pell Grant is offered to undergraduate students and the average award amount ranges grom $976 to $3,000. You may also apply for federal loans, which are better than private loans from banks because you'll have lower interest rates and more flexible repayment plans. You'll need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid online or pick up a paper application from the college financial aid office.


    • Another good place to find money for college is through scholarships and grants. For example, if you plan to major in music while attending school, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) offers several scholarships for students. If you're studying journalism, you should research different media organizations that offer them.

    Private Loans

    • Another way to get funding for school is through private bank loans. However, the interest rates of private student loans tend to be higher than a federal student loan, so keep this in mind when deciding on a private loan.

    State Grants

    • You should see if your state offers grant programs to help with college finances. For example, your state may have a grant program that provides funding for students who are studying to be teachers. Or your state may have programs that provide funding to low-income students or minorities who excel in high school.


    • Beware of scams that exist online when researching grants and loans. For example, some loan announcements ask for an advance fee before you can receive a loan. Another scam is the so-called scholarship prize that you won but that you'll have to pay a fee in order to get.

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