How to Convert 700 mV to 1.5 V

Voltage is a unit of electrical energy. It is the energy required to move an electric charge through an electrical circuit. A millivolt, or mV, is a unit equivalent to 1,000th of a volt. In other words, one volt is equal to 1,000 millivolts. When working with electrical circuits, different components have different voltages. It is sometimes necessary to be able to replace one component with another component measured in a different voltage.

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    • 1

      Convert millivolts to volts. In order to convert to volts, move the decimal place three places to the left. In this example, 700 mV converted to volts is 0.7 V.

    • 2

      Divide your target volts by the number you calculated in Step 1. Working with 1.5 volts as the target, in this example 1.5/0.7=2.14285714.

    • 3

      Round your answer to the number of decimal places that makes sense for your components. For example, 2.14285714 measured to two decimal places is 2.14.

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