How to Run a Study Group in College

Participating in a college study group gives you a built-in support system that is priceless. Group study allows you to cover more material in less time. You get a better understanding of complex ideas by reading, writing, teaching and discussing them with the group. Group members can help you by comparing notes, explaining things you don't understand and helping you stay on task. After you've assembled your members, follow these steps to run the group efficiently and get the most out of your time together.


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      Hold an orientation meeting. Use this time to get to know the members of the group. Discuss individual and group goals for the semester.

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      Create rules and guidelines. Make sure each member knows what is expected for participation in the group. Go over the course syllabus and plan your study dates accordingly.

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      Set an agenda. Decide which subjects to cover and how you'll cover them. Knowing what needs to be accomplished helps the meeting run smoothly. Assign readings and discussion questions to each member as needed.

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      Use session leaders. Each week a different member takes a turn running the meeting. The session leader should guide discussion and keep the group on task.

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      Come prepared. Each member should come to sessions fully prepared to participate. Your study group can't run properly if no one has done the work.

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