How Do I Study for College Classes?

Many students notice a marked shift between the difficulty of classes in high school and college. Expectations are vastly different. This includes a more independent structure in which you are given the materials and information needed by the professor but often no guide for what's important to study. Memorizing facts and filling out review guides won't help you on the test; instead, you'll have to dedicate time developing college study habits to understand key concepts and isolate important facts.


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      Pick a quiet place without distraction for your regular studying enclave. Although the dorm might work sometimes, you might find a more reliable place better for forming a good habit. The library is one option, but be creative in finding an on- or off-campus solution.

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      Establish and stick to a studying routine. For example, you may want to use a break between classes as a regular studying time. Sticking with a routine helps to maintain the right frame of mind when studying.

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      Block out time early in the day for your hardest subjects, and make sure to accomplish the work in those subjects before you continue on to the review for the easier classes. In other words, prioritize subjects to study.

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      Use the daylight hours for studying. Dartmouth and Middle Tennessee State University both recommend their students study during the daytime because they say it is more productive than studying at night.

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      Make your own study guides, flash cards and test questions. The more you engage with your subject, the better you will be at remembering and understanding the information of your course. Ask yourself questions, even immediately after you read something.

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      Find study partners to work with on a regular basis. This should not replace your individual study time, but rather supplement what you can learn on your own. Other people might ask questions you hadn't thought of and have different ideas you hadn't considered about a particular subject.

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