How to Open a Nursing School in California

Establishing your own nursing school doesn't have to be hard, you just need to follow the appropriate steps and be realistic about your goals. To open a nursing school, you will make a rather large investment, which may be difficult, but with the help of grants and private donors, finding a way to pay for your nursing school is very doable. Nursing is a fast-growing profession, and opening your own nursing school is a great way to immerse yourself in a fast-paced, wellness-oriented discipline.

Things You'll Need

  • Funding
  • Facilities
  • Program details or curriculum
  • Nursing equipment and supplies
  • Staff
  • Accreditation
  • Students
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      Find funding for your school. The initial cost of opening your school will be quite high because of expenses associated with finding a facility, buying learning equipment, getting accreditation, and finding the right staff. You must have a plan and an estimate of how much money you will need to cover all of these expenses. Once you have the estimate, you can determine how much you need and where you will get it.

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      Find a building or buildings to house your school. You have the option of leasing or purchasing the facility. Take heed of how many students you are expecting and make sure the facility is large enough to house them. Once you have the initial building or buildings, you can always expand if an influx of students necessitates it.

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      Develop the curriculum for your program. You will need to decide what you will teach, and you have to have your curriculum reviewed by the California Postsecondary Education Commission. Contact the commission when you are confident you have the right program details for your school.

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      Purchase medical learning equipment. Syringes, catheters, beds, and mannequins are just a few of the supplies you will need. The beds and mannequins will help the students to stage mock exams with fake patients. Additionally, you will need all of the things that nurses in hospitals use so the students can learn through hands-on experience. You will also need to purchase computers, phones, chairs, and other office supplies for the teaching and administrative staff to use.

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      Find qualified staff. Nursing schools need highly skilled employees to teach students how to be great nurses. Administrative staff are also needed to help things run smoothly on a day-to-day basis. You will need to hire staff who have the appropriate education and skill sets to make your school excellent.

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      Get accredited. You will need accreditation from the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, an entity which oversees appropriate practices and licensing. You will also need to seek accreditation from your California regional accrediting organization to ensure that students will be able to apply for financial aid and loans. Information on the correct accreditation organization to which to apply with can be found at the US Department of Education Web site.

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      Find students. Once you have gotten your accreditation, you will be able to recruit and admit prospective nursing students. With the right marketing and public relations team, your recruitment efforts will succeed.

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