How to Be Successful in Nursing School

A nursing school is where nurses attend classes to learn the basics of nursing practice. A nursing school may be a separate institution or it may be part of a larger college or university. While attending classes, potential nurses study subjects such as chemistry and anatomy. After basic coursework has been completed, they master nursing-specific material in a supervised hospital setting. Attending nursing school can be a stressful experience. To make this process easier, there are certain steps you may wish to follow.


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      Master the basics. Nursing is built on a foundation of knowledge. Gaining a thorough knowledge of biology can make mastery of microbiology much easier. Make sure you fully understand any unit before proceeding to the next one.

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      Take copious notes. Nursing classes often involve memorizing lots of information. One of the best ways to learn any new information is to write it down. Take notebooks with you when you attend class. Exchange information and notes with fellow classmates to make sure you haven't missed anything. Consider forming a study group with fellow students to help study more effectively.

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      Practice techniques. Some nursing classes take place in a hospital. During this time, nurses are expected to master certain procedures, such as intravenous needle medication insertion and proper administration of medication. Study these techniques closely. Whenever possible, practice them on items such as oranges and lemons or even real-life volunteers. Considering purchasing a microscope for home usage so you can learn microbiology techniques more effectively. Practice will help you gain confidence.

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      Attend class full time if possible. Many nursing classes often involve mastery of difficult material such as statistics. In addition to attending classes, homework is often assigned. Learning such material can take hours and hours of attention. If possible, avoid holding a job while attending class. Consider taking out a student loan to provide sufficient household funds. Graduating from nursing school and being employed as a nurse will make it easy to pay back any loans.

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      Find a mentor. A mentor can help guide you through the often difficult process and confusing maze of undergraduate classes and state certification. Consider contacting any nurses you know and asking for their help. Attending meetings at a professional nursing organization can help make contacts that may be useful later, as well as provide role models to emulate once you have graduated.

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