How to Deal With Homesickness During Study Abroad

If you're planning to study abroad, you must prepare yourself for some feelings of homesickness. Regardless of how excited and prepared you are for your upcoming experience, you are bound to miss home. Feelings of loneliness and sadness are not uncommon for students who study abroad. What's the best way to deal with them?


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      Be prepared for homesickness to strike. Take some things on your trip that remind you of home. Pictures of friends and family, some of your favorite music or a favorite magazine are useful when you need to feel close to home.

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      Build a network of friends and colleagues while studying abroad. Combat feelings of loneliness by spending time with others.

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      Stay busy. Immerse yourself in your studies. Participate in additional activities outside of class. Look into a part-time internship or job while you study abroad. It's hard to be homesick when you're busy.

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      Talk with others about how you're feeling. Build friendships with other students who are studying abroad. Chances are, they're dealing with homesickness, too. Talk with a counselor about your homesickness if you need to. Check if your university or study abroad program offers counseling services.

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      Call home and talk to your parents and friends. Or, stay in touch by e-mailing them on a regular basis. It's important to stay connected to the people you love any way you can.

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      Think positive. Make a list of all the rewarding and exciting experiences you have as you study abroad. Note how these experiences have helped you grow as a person. When you're feeling homesick, take out your list and read it.

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