Colleges With Master's in Nursing Programs

The decision to earn your master's degree in nursing is an important one that will likely determine your career path, so choosing which college to attend can be stressful for some students. There are many different types of nursing programs available that offer master's degrees, from online programs to graduate schools that are part of larger universities.
  1. Accreditation

    • When researching colleges and universities that offer a Master of Nursing degree, it is important that you consider the accreditation of these schools. Accrediting institutions like the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education is one of the most prominent agencies that accredits schools based on the value of the programs they offer. Before you decide on attending any school, make sure that you check out the school's accreditation to ensure your degree will be recognized by future employers.

    Program Length

    • Different colleges offer different programs for those who are interested in earning a master's degree in nursing. If you are interested in continuing to work while you take classes to earn your master's degree, you should research programs that offer part-time options. If you are fresh out of college and are looking to continue your education and finish it at a quicker speed, consider programs with full-time options. There are some colleges and universities that offer programs online, but be careful to look into their accreditations before deciding on an online school.

    Tuition Costs

    • Tuition costs vary greatly from one program to another. Some programs, like online programs, boast cheap tuition costs. Other schools, like Indiana Wesleyan, have slightly higher rates, with classes costing about $450 per credit hour as of 2011. Make sure that you do not choose a college solely based on how much it costs, however. You should take many factors into consideration, such as career placement, length of program and accreditation.

    Career Services

    • Another important factor when considering colleges to earn an advanced degree in nursing is whether or not the college has affiliations with local hospitals or clinics in which you might be interested in working. Many colleges have partnerships with hospitals that allow for an easy transition into your new career after earning a degree. Other colleges offer career placement services to graduates. Make sure that you understand how your degree will help advance your professional life before signing up for courses.

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