How to Cite Title VII in the APA

Citing authoritative references adds credibility to scientific and technical writing. The American Psychological Association (APA) developed a format for citations to provide a consistent style writers can use when citing references. APA standards include a format for citing federal statutes such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


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      Cite a federal statute in APA style in the text of your work by typing the name of the Act followed by either the year Congress passed the Act in parentheses or the word "of" followed by the year the Act was passed.

      Title VII is part of the Civil Rights Act which Congress passed in 1964; thus, either of the following in-text citations is correct in APA style:

      The Civil Rights Act (1964) regulates employers.

      The Civil Rights Act of 1964 regulates employers.

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      Cite a federal statute in APA style in the reference list of your work by citing the name of the Act, §, the section number of the Act, the volume number of the U.S. Code, the § and the section number of the U.S. Code, followed by the year of passage in parentheses.

      The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is codified in volume 42, starting at code section 2000e; thus, the following citation is APA style for citing Title VII on your list of references:

      Civil Rights Act of 1964 § 7, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq (1964).

      The Latin phrase "et seq" should be italicized; it means the act includes other sections following section 2000e.

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      Cite a later section of the code if your work specifically refers to a section of Title VII that was amended after 1964. One such amendment took place in 1991. If you reference a section of Title VII that was amended in 1991, your in-text citation should read as follows:

      The Civil Rights Act (1991) extended protection to employees working abroad.


      The Civil Rights Act of 1991 extended protection to employees working abroad.

      Similarly, your APA reference list should reference the amended version of the statute. The section that extends protection to employees working abroad is section 109; thus, the correct APA reference is:

      Civil Rights Act of 1991 § 109, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq (1991).

      The federal government prints periodic updates of the U.S. Code that incorporate congressional amendments. Therefore, the code number 2000e stays the same, but the date is updated to direct the reader to the amended portion of the code.

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      Use APA format for citing federal statutes online if you consulted a digital version of Title VII. The in-text citation is the same as if you had consulted a written version of Title VII, but the reference page must include your online source; for example:

      Civil Rights Act of 1964 § 7, 42 U.S.C. §2000e et seq (1964). Retrieved from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website:

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