Marine Graduation Procedures

After the prestige of being recruited into the Marines and a rigorous 12-week training period, Marine recruits will be ready to graduate into active service. Because of their military duties, Marines do not graduate in traditional academic ceremonies. Rather, their graduation procedures are specific to the kind of work that they do and rely on centuries of tradition.
  1. Timing

    • Graduation from Marine training takes place over a two-day period, after the completion of the mandatory 12 weeks of training. During these 12 weeks, they will have completed a variety of stringent physical and psychological training modules, including what the Marines call "54 continuous hours of physical and mental challenges." After this time, they will finally graduate and receive the title of "Marine."

    Family Day

    • Families traditionally arrive on Family Day, the day before the official graduation ceremony. During this time, Marines can show off their newly acquired skills, as they meet their loved one's fellow recruits and drill instructors and tour the training grounds on the base, from the barracks to parade decks and training areas.

    Motivational Run

    • During the motivational run, a tradition in the Marine Corps, the recruits run through their base, in front of their families and friends, who cheer them on. As they run, they pass all four training battalions, who sing cadence to keep them going throughout the run. When the recruits have finished, they have officially completed their recruit training.


    • On the second day, the Marine recruits graduate in their ceremony. This "color ceremony" involves the raising of both the U.S. and Marie Corps flags; performances by both the Marine Corps Band and Color Guard; and the last march of the training platoons.

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