How to Write an Introduction to a Term Paper

According to the UNC Writing Center, "your introduction and conclusion act as bridges that transport your readers from their own lives into the 'place' of your analysis." A good introduction will ease a reader into the term paper. In it, you should get the reader's attention, introduce your topic, state your thesis and provide an overview of your main points. Set up the structure for the rest of your term paper in your introduction.


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      Write an outline for the body of your term paper. Your introduction needs to list the main points of your essay. Therefore, you need to have these clearly lined out before writing the introduction.

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      Write a opening sentence to draw the reader into your essay. Your opening statements can include surprising facts, a heart-touching story, an interesting quotation or a provocative scenario. Never start your paper with these words: "In this paper, I am going to talk about..." Your teacher will wince if she reads those words because they are boring. Write opening sentences with more pizazz.

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      Write a couple of sentences that introduce your topic by explaining its importance or by providing background information. Tell the audience why they should care about the topic you are addressing in your term paper. Explain why it is relevant to the world today or to the scope of history. If your topic is something readers are less familiar with, you will need to introduce the basic facts or terms.

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      Compose a thesis statement. Indiana University's Writing Tutorial Service says, "A strong thesis statement takes some sort of stand." Technically, your thesis should be an arguable point, which you will prove through the course of your paper. According to the University of Richmond's Writing Center, "it should act as mortar, holding together the various bricks of a paper, summarizing the main point of the paper 'in a nutshell,' and pointing toward the paper's development." Your thesis should be one to two sentences and will be located toward the end of your introduction.

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      Clearly list the main points you will address in your paper, if these weren't listed as part of your thesis. Your main points should be listed in the order they will be covered in your paper, which sets up the structure for the rest of your paper.

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