How to Write a Book Analysis in APA Style

Writing a book analysis is far more advanced than writing the common book reports that are given in K through 12 grades in U.S. schools. A book analysis requires more research and some analytical thinking on the part of the writer. A book analysis runs usually between 500 to 750 words and follows a style and citation format. The American Psychological Association style, also known as the APA style, is mostly used in social and behavioral scientific writing. You can use APA style if your book analysis is in one of these topics.


  1. Collecting Information

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      Read the book that is the subject of your book analysis. Read some reviews and critiques of the book that you are reading to help you delve deeper into an analytic mindset.

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      Highlight and take note of major themes and plots within the chosen literature. Keep a log of specific chapters, pages and paragraphs that can strengthen support for any arguments and views that might be discussed within the analysis.

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      Create the book analysis document in an APA format by starting off with the title page. Create a running head at the top of the page that extends throughout the entire document by creating a header. Place the page number at the top right corner of the page. Center the title of the work, typed in all caps, and include your name and your affiliation.

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      Start on the main body of the manuscript by writing a solid background of the book. According to Indiana University "a general rule of thumb is that the first one-half to two-thirds of the review should summarize the author’s main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the book. Check with your instructor." This rule of thumb allows you to gauge how much content versus how much analysis you should include within the review.

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      Cite all works that you've borrowed information from, including the book that you're reviewing and analyzing. APA style uses an author-date citation system. In text, place the citations within parentheses with the author's surname followed by a comma and the year of publication. If the author's name is outside the parentheses, the year of publication follows it immediately within parentheses. List all sources alphabetically within the reference list. Include author's surname and publication date as well as the page number or specific location of the paragraph or phrase for quotations or paraphrased material.

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      Check the manuscript to make sure the document is double spaced entirely. Make sure the alignment is fixed to the left margin, leaving the right margin with a jagged appearance. Use a serif type face such as Times New Roman. Indent the first line of every paragraph to 1 1/2 inches.

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