Christian Colleges Nearest to Loveland, CO

Located in Larimer County, Loveland, Colorado, is approximately 33 miles northeast of Boulder and 54 miles north of Denver. The town is located within an hour of a small number of colleges, some of which are affiliated with Christian groups or denominations. These private institutions prepare students for entry into religious fields like ministry and missions; some Christian colleges also grant degrees in secular fields, such as business, humanities or natural sciences.
  1. Colorado Christian University

    • Colorado Christian University is a nondenominational school based in Lakewood, Colorado. The college operates campuses throughout the state, including its Northern Colorado Regional Center, based in Loveland. The college offers baccalaureate degrees in accounting, business administration, elementary education, information systems management, nursing, Christian leadership, human resources, project management and psychology. Master's and associate degrees are offered, as well as certificates. The school has accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The school participates in federal and state financial aid programs; it offers a limited number of institutional scholarships.

      Colorado Christian University Northern Colorado Regional Center

      3553 Clydesdale Parkway

      Suite 300

      Loveland, CO 80538


    Rivendell College

    • Rivendell College is an inter-denominational Christian school in Boulder, located approximately 47 minutes from Loveland. Baccalaureate degree programs include business administration, communications, leadership and organizational behavior, liberal arts, psychology, religious studies, and spiritual formation and ministry. Master's degrees in Christian studies, spiritual formation, and Christianity and culture are also awarded. Online courses are available in many subjects. As of August 2010, the school did not have regional accreditation from any organization, but it was licensed through the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. The college does not participate in government financial aid programs, but it does offer institutional scholarships, grants and loans. Eligible students can take advantage of U.S. Veterans' Administration financial aid.

      Rivendell College

      5495 Baseline Road

      Boulder, CO 80303


    Belleview Christian College and Bible Seminary

    • Belleview Christian College and Bible Seminary is in Westminster, Colorado, approximately 49 minutes from Loveland. The Pillar of Fire Church, a Wesleyan Christian Church, founded and operates the school. The school offers a certificate in Biblical studies, an Associate in Arts in the Bible and religion, a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and religion, a Bachelor of Theology and a Bachelor of Science in Christian studies. A high school diploma is the minimum education required for entry into these programs.

      Also offered are seminary certificates and diplomas designed for individuals who wish to become pastors, yet do not have a high school diploma. In addition to classroom-based courses, school offers distance correspondence courses, which allow students to complete assignments and return them to the college by U.S. mail for grading. Belleview Christian College and Bible Seminary does not have any formal accreditation or approvals. The school does not offer financial aid, but it does participate in veterans' benefit programs.

      Belleview Christian College and Bible Seminary

      3455 W. 83rd Ave.

      Westminster, CO 80031


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