How to Do an Internet Source on a Research Paper

When writing a research paper, it is important to cite the sources you use. Those who read the paper can then check your resources to either get more information or make sure -- as in the case of an instructor -- you are interpreting the information correctly. Because there is no standard style for citing work, always check with the people who will be reading or grading the paper as to what style they prefer. Citing Internet resources is very similar in most styles, like the styles approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA).


    • 1

      Name the author of the work first, if it's on the website. Be sure to include any certifications or degrees conferred.

    • 2

      Write the title of the piece you used, if it is known, in quotation marks, just as you would a magazine article.

    • 3

      Add the name of the website page in italics. If you are using the website for the American Bee Association, write that out as you would a book or the name of a periodical.

    • 4

      Place the date the article or post was written or last updated after the title.

    • 5

      Write the URL of the article you accessed down after the date. The URL is in the address bar of the web browser you are using. You can highlight it by clicking in the bar and then copy and paste it in your document.

    • 6

      Write down the date you accessed the article after the URL. Your citation should now look something like this:

      Apple, Dolly. "How to Cite Resources on the Internet." Citing Sources. April 5, 2002. February 9, 2003.

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