Schools for Recording Arts in Indiana

Indiana is home to some of the best education in the recording arts in the United States. Recording arts involves the creation of recorded music, usually putting already produced music in CD or MP3 form. Knowing the schools in Indiana that offer a degree in recording arts can help you make a decision for your education.
  1. Indiana University - Bloomington

    • The Jacobs School of Music is housed at the IU Bloomington campus. This is one of the premier schools in the country recognized for their recording arts program. They offer over 1,100 opportunities for performance each year, with seven full-production operas. In addition to their performance arts, they offer full recording studios, where students learn first hand to record, mix and produce music. The Jacobs School of Music is housed in five buildings with 170 practice rooms, and the Musical Arts Center, which boasts some of the best technical capabilities in the nation. Enrollment averages around 40,000 students for IU, with 1,600 of them studying at Jacobs.

    Vincennes University

    • VU offers many programs, including an excellent program geared towards the recording arts. Significantly smaller than the IU campus, their average student enrollment is around 11,500. They offer training in music production, music tech and performance, as well. In addition to two and four year degrees they offer an undergraduate transfer program aligned with Indiana University and many other schools throughout the state. The main campus for Vincennes University is located in the town of Vincennes.

    Butler University

    • Known as one of the best schools in the Midwest, BU has a campus 290 acres in size, and is known for their liberal arts-based education including an extensive music program. Amongst an extensive line of music and sound engineering courses, BU offers a recording arts program that offers students opportunity to learn on the latest equipment used by the industry. They provide two and four year degree programs, in all their programs including recording arts. Their accreditation prepares students for transfer to Indiana State University. Graduates have a 96 percent job placement rate at BU. The campus for BU is located in the heart of Indianapolis.

    The Art Institutes

    • With many campuses around the continent, AI is a trusted name in artistically-inclined education. Amongst a full line of programs in the arts, they offer a recording arts program. A full line of music-based courses are available as well. With 45 campuses around the United States and Canada, relocation doesn't necessarily mean starting over in education. Transferring can be done between the locations in the United States. The Art Institutes' Indiana campus is located in Indianapolis.

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