Colleges That Offer Education Majors & Minors in Art

Hundreds of colleges around the country offer art as both a major and minor, covering a wide range of subjects. Students who choose to study practical art courses learn how to use a variety of different media, improve on their current skills and learn new techniques. Academically, students can choose to study about the history of art and famous artists.
  1. Art History

    • Art history, criticism and conservation courses look at art ranging from prehistoric times to the modern day. Students discuss the use of color, layout, configuration, scope, light and shadow, and how these factors convey a concept or emotion. They study different periods, theories, styles, research methods and conservation of art. 434 colleges offer this subject, according to the College Board, including Adelphi University in New York, Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, North Central College in Illinois, Rosemont College in Pennsylvania and University of Colorado at Boulder.

    Studio Arts

    • Students of studio arts experiment with a wide range of media, from painting and drawing to sculpting and printmaking. The course allows students to receive feedback from peers and comment on others' work. Those who choose to study studio arts usually do not have a preference to creating one art form or are looking to experiment. Colleges offering this course as a major and minor include Bard College at Simon's Rock in Massachusetts, various California State Universities, Tulane University in Louisiana, University of Connecticut and Wingate University in North Carolina.

    Commercial Art

    • Commercial and advertising art courses incorporate the study of basic skills, such as drawing, with creativity development and knowledge of business. Students study graphic design and advertising, and participate in real life projects. They learn how to produce art for billboards, leaflets and packaging. 488 colleges offer this course, including Central Washington University, Coker College in South Carolina, Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire, South Plains College in Texas and Terra State Community College in Ohio.

    Digital Art

    • Digital art students learn how to use technology creatively in digital animation, electronic music, video installation and web page design. They study the history and theory of different aspects of digital design and practice their skills in basic art, including drawing, design and color. Less colleges offer digital art compared with other art courses, with a total of 44 colleges across the country, according to the College Board. These include Dakota State University in South Dakota, Howard Community College in Maryland, Kansas City Art Institute in Missouri, Memphis College of Art in Tennessee and Sessions College for Professional Design in Arizona.

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