Alternative High School Scholarships

When most people think of the college and university scholarships available to high school students they consider only those high school scholarships that are given out based on high school GPAs. This can be very discouraging for those high school students with less than stellar GPAs. However, there are many different types of alternative high school scholarships that are available to students with different strengths and circumstances.
  1. Types

    • Alternative high school scholarships come in many shapes and sizes. Athletic scholarships, need-based scholarships and local scholarships are among the alternative high school scholarships that are awarded to students. However, alternative college scholarships are not limited to these. Students may also qualify for arts scholarships, essay writing scholarships, or even things as arcane as scholarships awarded based on duct tape clothing or goofy dance moves. There are high school scholarship options available to all students that will cater to their personal strengths.


    • Alternative high school scholarships exist to acknowledge, celebrate and promote the talents of less traditionally recognized high school students. These unconventional college scholarships were established to promote the idea that academic excellence is not the only trait that can be valued by an institution of higher learning. Alternative high school scholarships serve students who are otherwise overlooked by scholarship committees who look solely for academic excellence in their scholarship selections.


    • Although many students may believe that simply because these alternative high school scholarship do not take GPA into account they may be easier to win, this could not be farther from the truth. It is important that students interested in alternative high school scholarships realize that the competition for these alternative high school scholarships may be just as fierce as the competition for more traditional academic scholarships.


    • These unusual high school scholarships help to promote diverse student bodies at colleges and universities across the world by emphasizing the importance of a diverse array of talents, interests and backgrounds. The existence of these non-traditional high school scholarships allow student who are equally non-traditional but completely valuable to have access to an education which will allow them to fully explore their unique talents.

    Time Frame

    • As with any other type of scholarship, it is important to be aware of the deadlines for alternative high school scholarships long before the deadline actually approaches. Students should ready themselves to begin the non-traditional scholarship process as soon as they are able, generally in the fall of their senior year of high school. The application process may last well into the spring of their senior year, so they should be well prepared.

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