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How to Develop Skills for the TOEFL

The TOEFL, recognized by more than 7,500 colleges and universities across the world, is one of the most respected English language tests. The test is based on an evaluation of students' abilities to integrate reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. Preparing for the TOEFL involves honing all these skills to perfection. Although considered a difficult test, you can ace the TOEFL by focusing attention on understanding and integrating language skills rather than mere memorizing.


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      Study English basics through the use of grammar textbooks. Understand basic rules of grammar, ranging from the use of adjectives, verbs and adverbs to proper sentence construction, including the use of idioms and phrases. Test your mastery of grammar through quizzes provided in the textbook or online resources. Build your vocabulary by reading books and newspapers. Refer to a dictionary to pick up words that lend accuracy to your expression.

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      Cultivate your reading comprehension skills. The reading section of the TOEFL consists of answering questions based on passages provided in the test paper. Select small passages from your university undergraduate program textbooks. Prepare questions on the content of these passages and practice answering with clarity. Read newspapers and practice writing the summary of an article.

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      Enhance your listening skills. The listening section of the TOEFL consists of answering questions after listening to conversations and lectures. Hone those skills by listening to the news on television. Listen to conversations between friends. Make a habit of taking actual and mental notes as situations allow. Focus on understanding the main concepts and the interrelation of ideas. Watch English-language movies and listen to English-language radio programs. Identify the attitude the speaker conveys and the purpose of the speaker in saying a particular thing.

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      Practice speaking in English. In the speaking section of the TOEFL, you will have to provide answers to questions on familiar topics. You will also have to listen to an audio recording and answer questions on what you have heard. Associate regularly with friends who are fluent in English, especially those who are native speakers. Converse with them, observe how they use terms and construct their sentences. Resist the temptation to slip into your native language while trying to convey complex ideas to family or friends.

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      Build up writing skills. The writing part of the TOEFL examines your ability to form an opinion and pen an essay in support of it. Read the editorial columns of leading newspapers and observe how opinions are expressed. Pick up ideas from debates aired in the press. Think and form your opinion about these topics and practice writing out these opinions. Have a friend read your essay and ask for feedback on how much he understood and what impression he gained from the essay.

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      Familiarize yourself with the test. Use practice tests available on the ETS TOEFL website or buy books that provide TOEFL training exercises. Use free TOEFL practice exercises provided on educational websites. Do these exercises at regular intervals, focusing on areas you find most challenging.

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