#  >> Standardized Tests >> SAT

How to Find an SAT Score

SAT scores are a key part of being accepted to college. You can access your scores and have them sent to colleges in any of three ways. The information is always available to you, even if you took the test a long time ago.


    • 1

      View your scores on the College Board website. Sign up for a free CollegeBoard.com account. Enter your personal and contact information and a parent's name and email. Create a user name and password. Once you are signed in, you can view your scores.

    • 2

      Order your older scores by mail if you are out of high school and haven't tested for a year. The College Board provides a form for download. Fill out the form with your name, current contact information, and your contact information at the time of testing. If you want your scores sent to colleges, write their 4-digit code numbers, found on CollegeBoard.com. Send a check, money order, or credit card payment to cover $10 for each score recipient, $24 for the archive search and $29 for a rush reporting fee, if needed, with the form.

    • 3

      Order your older scores by phone. Instead of ordering by mail, you can call the contact number on the College Board website. Have available your current contact information, date of test, your contact information at the time of the test, any scholarship codes, and a credit card.

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