How to Evaluate Learning Outcome Tools

Learning outcome assessment tools are valuable instruments to determine how well an educational institution lives up to its mission. Effective tools can demonstrate, with both quantitative and qualitative data, just how successful a school really is and what it needs to improve.


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      Compare the measurements of the learning outcomes tool to the core values or mission statement of your institution. Does this tool address the key beliefs of your institution? For example, if your institution values "community service," does the assessment tool measure student participation in volunteer groups?

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      Compare the measurements of the learning outcomes tool to the learning outcomes of the program (if applicable). For example, if the program values broad familiarity with American government, does the tool ask basic questions about the principles of the U.S. Constitution? This should be repeated at the course level as well.

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      Determine if this tool is a direct measure (for example, standardized questions) or indirect measure (participation in extra-curricular activities). A good battery of assessment tools should contain both types of measures.

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      Determine if this tool is suitable for repetition over several years. Long-term planning is especially useful for comparing progress in student learning outcomes.

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      Determine if this tool is easy to administer and evaluate. Computerized scantrons ("bubble cards") are relatively inexpensive but require specialized equipment and software to operate. Other possibilities include online surveys and focus groups.

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