Adult Learning Tools

Many learning tools are available to adult students whether they attend classes at a local college or participate in an online distance academic program. Learning tools include the use of case studies, understanding your personal learning style, experiential learning, journal writing, self-analysis, personalized learning contracts and the use of modern technology.
  1. Learning Contract Plan

    • An effective learning tool for adults is the learning contract plan. It is a self-directed contract to define your learning goals and outline strategies and resources to achieve those goals. It also provides an anticipated time frame and ways to assess and/or validate your learning accomplishments. Learning contracts can take the form of an audio tape or descriptive statements to a comprehensive breakdown of step-by-step learning goals.


    • Self-analysis is helpful to maximize adult learning potential. A continual analysis typically includes developmental patterns and social roles that affect your learning ability, your personal learning style, favorite subjects, and your strengths and weaknesses as a student. This kind of analysis will help you improve your learning capacity. If you discover you are a visual learner, for example, then you know that you assimilate new information best with the use of diagrams, images and illustrations. Therefore, you should use visual teaching aids frequently within your studies.

    Journal Writing

    • A journal benefits adult learners. It helps to process their experiences and integrate them with existing knowledge to enhance meaning. Writing about learning articulates the knowledge acquired by the student. It allows for the expression of feelings and belief systems, and it encourages individual thinking and ownership in the learning process. Journaling provides time for reflection, which results in deeper learning. It can be an individual or group activity. Distance learning students often use journals involving group interaction online to create a learning community.

    Technology As an Adult Learning Tool

    • Advances in technology assist adult learners in new ways. An example of technology incorporated into the curriculum would be a course on using the Internet. Instructional technology includes learning material provided through software programs, TV, video or audio lectures. Internet or website assignments can supplement distance learning. Technology enhances adult learning because it can increase flexibility, access information and expertise, and facilitate interaction among students who cannot meet face to face. It also increases learner independence and supports collaborative learning.

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