#  >> K-12 >> Spelling Bees

How to Compete in the Scripps Spelling Bee

In 1925, the Scripps National Spelling Bee began. Held annually in Washington D.C., the spelling bee brings together many of the nation's finest young spellers. To compete in the Scripps Spelling Bee you must continually improve your spelling skills and study hard. Follow these steps to become a participant in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.


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      Read the contest rules. Some basic requirements include being under age sixteen on the day of the national competition and not have completed the eighth grade by February 1 of the year of competition. Check the Scripps' website for a detailed list of rules.

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      Study the three study resources listed by the Scripps' website. They include "Carolyn's Corner," "A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes and Combining Forms" and "The Consolidated Word List." There first two source links and the "Consolidated Word List" are found on the website under the "Study Resources" section.

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      Find out who the Scripps Spelling Bee sponsors are in your area. They are usually local newspapers, but you can check the Scripps website for the complete list in the "Get Involved" section. If you don't find a sponsor listed for your area then email them using the provided email link and include the name, city, and state of your school.

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      Attend the spelling bee put on by your local sponsor. You will take a 25 word multiple choice spelling test and spell out loud one word. If you score high on the test and spell your word correctly, you may move up to the next spelling bee that gets you closer to the national spelling bee.

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