#  >> K-12 >> Spelling Bees

How to Prepare for a Spelling Bee

How to Prepare for a Spelling Bee. Whether you are preparing for the Third Grade Spelling Bee or the annual Scripps National Championship, the basics are the same: there's more to it than just spelling. Aspiring bee winners study everything from etymology to definitions and pronunciation. Angela Meadows, who came in 108th and 25th in the 1990 and 1992 national spelling bees, said a balanced schedule is the key to studying. So, what are the secrets to spelling bee s-u-c-c-e-s-s?

Things You'll Need

  • A dictionary
  • A study buddy
  • Time
  • Dedication
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      Start by finding and studying word lists. The Scripps Company recommends getting grade level word lists from your teacher. There are also free practice word lists online as well as preparation books and software available for spellers in training.

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      Memorize the spelling rules at the front of the dictionary. Meadows wrote them in the front of a notebook for easy access and so she knew what questions to ask about each word at the competition.

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      Continually study and examine the definition and etymology of words. Notice how words are broken into syllables, look up pronunciation, and use unfamiliar words in sentences.

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      Understand basic Latin and Greek elements of words. Meadows suggested that spellers become familiar with the foundation languages before moving on to languages like French and German.

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      When studying for nationals, Meadows wrote words 10 to 20 times each, and had a study partner ask her to spell words every night.

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      Play word games like Scrabble and Boggle and crossword puzzles. Play online word games and puzzles. Incorporate words and spelling into a number of fun activities. See Resources below for links.

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      Be sure to read! Writing, reading and, most importantly, a love of language are simple but vital parts of being successful.

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      Study the "Paideia," the book from which many spelling bee words are drawn. Work through the list of 3600 words in the book in gradual study sessions.

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      Visit the National Spelling Bee website for information about enrollment for the upcoming Bee, and a copy of the rules. Review the Plan of Action and a detailed plan of study suggestions.

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      When preparing for a spelling bee, be sure to set aside a few hours of time to study each day. Remember to keep your activities balanced to avoid burnout.

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