#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

How to Make Cornstarch Dough

Cornstarch dough is a make-at-home art medium that your children can use for making sculptures, Christmas ornaments, jewelry or even bas-relief pictures (three-dimensional pictures where some items stand out above the page). You can buy huge bags of baking soda in the baking and cleaning aisles of the grocery store, and it's very inexpensive. Because this dough has such a soft texture, kids love to play with it.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda Water
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      Combine 1 cup cornstarch, 2 cups baking soda and 1 1/4 cups water in a pot.

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      Stir the mixture over low heat. The stirring keeps the ingredients from sticking to the pot and burning. Continue to stir and cook the dough until it looks like mashed potatoes. It shouldn't be soupy.

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      Remove the pot from the heat and wait a few minutes for it to cool slightly. Use a spoon to gather the mixture into a blob.

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      Turn the blob out onto a floured surface, and as soon as it is cool enough to handle, knead the dough until it's nice and smooth.

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      After you have created your artwork, allow it to dry for several days at room temperature. You can then paint, lacquer or draw on the finished product.

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