#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

How to Cook With Preschool Kids

The thought of rounding up a class full of preschoolers and marching into the kitchen for a morning of cooking lessons may present a less-than-perfect picture in your mind's eye. Sure, little ones need extra supervision in the kitchen, but cooking with kids can be a pleasure when the activity is approached with plenty of preparation and realistic expectations. Preschoolers' first culinary creations can be as simple as stringing soft watermelon chunks onto drinking straws or lining rows of colored candies across frosted sugar cookies. Let them spread pizza sauce on small prepared crusts and top them with cheese and chopped veggies for a slightly more challenging project.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean Kitchen Work Area
  • Recipe Ingredients
  • Cooking Utensils
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      Prepare preschool chefs-in-training with a dry run of the basics of working in the kitchen well before you embark on the first cooking activity with your class.Take a group of preschoolers into the kitchen to show them the various elements of the food preparation area. Teach them safety rules about hot surfaces and sharp objects. Explain the importance of cleanliness. Establish rules for proper and safe behavior in the kitchen.

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      Take care of all of the pre-cooking preparations before the children enter the kitchen on the day you plan the cooking activity. Chop vegetables and fruits or mix up dough and separate it into child size portions. Place assorted toppings for pizzas or cupcake decorations in individual bowls. Double check that all the utensils, pans and dishes you will need are ready for use.

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      Supervise thorough hand washing before you and the children enter the kitchen for the cooking activity.

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      Line up or seat your preschoolers in an area of the kitchen that is roomy enough that they have elbow room to work to assemble their food. Explain in simple terms what they will make and tell them the steps to put the food together. Demonstrate the process.

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      Give the children the go ahead to begin their cooking activity. Remind them of the order of the steps you taught them to make the food. Assist those who are having trouble. Keep an open mind about the finished product--chances are it will not look like the one you made to demonstrate.

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