#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

How to Teach Healthy Habits to Preschoolers

Children at the preschool level are developmentally ready to learn about self-care, including healthy eating habits and exercise. Habits learned by preschoolers will be carried with them through adulthood. Teaching children about healthy living habits at an early age helps children make better choices when they reach their teenage years. Children from an early age should be exposed to the advantages of healthy lifestyles and the consequences of unhealthy choices. Young children in particular should be educated in health issues that affect their daily lives -- such as nutrition, hygiene and keeping their bodies safe, according to the National Network for Childcare.

Things You'll Need

  • Books
  • Health related toys
  • Posters
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      Read to children about health education. Books about the dentist, healthy eating, doctor's visits and preventing the spread of germs written for the preschool level will introduce the topic in a visual and developmentally appropriate way, notes Read Leaf Press.

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      Provide hands-on activities for children to reinforce the concepts. Keep Kids Healthy reports that activities such as preparing healthy snacks together, practicing hand washing and using toothbrushes on a model of a human mouth allow children to practice healthy habits.

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      Include toys and related materials in your classroom learning centers for children to use. Doctor's kits, play dental tools, empty containers of toothpaste and mouthwash, play fruits and vegetables and dolls with interchangeable outfits. The toys is another method to fosters the idea of developing healthy patterns.

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      Sing songs about teeth brushing or healthy foods, which reinforce healthy habits. Sing as song such as the alphabet or happy birthday while children wash their hands so they get a sense of how long they should scrub their hands with soap.

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      Provide books and posters that children can look at that portray kids making healthy choices. Posters of children riding bikes or cooking a healthy meal, for example, gives preschoolers a positive attitude toward exercise and eating, according to Read Leaf Press.

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      Model healthy habits. Eat healthy snacks with the children. Involve them in walking and exercises as a class. Children enjoy short warm up activities such as jumping jacks or jogging in place.

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      Recognize healthy choices with positive comments and affirmations. Point out when a child has a healthy snack or has washed his hands properly.

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