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Classroom Management Tips to Discipline Preschool Kids

One of the most challenging aspects of being a preschool teacher is managing your classroom. Effective discipline within your classroom does not mean spanking students or placing them in time out. Instead, discipline means helping children develop self control and giving them the tools to make right decisions. Maintaining a calm, relaxing classroom is never easy, but with dedication and hard work, you can do it.
  1. Explain the Rules

    • One of the most successful ways to manage a classroom full of rowdy, active preschoolers is to sit down and explain the rules with the children. Many of the children will quickly forget the rules and need a reminder, but some children will learn immediately from being told once. Remind children that everyone needs to share and be polite at preschool. Explain that they are not allowed to run or yell inside and talk about any other rules you may enforce. If a child does not know or understand the rules of the classroom, you cannot expect him to obey them.

    Remain Calm

    • When you find yourself growing agitated over impulsive and childish behavior, remember that your students are very young and still need time to grow and mature. A 4-year-old cannot always control his impulses. Remember to remain calm when dealing with your students and avoid yelling or becoming upset.

    Be Honest

    • When a child has difficulty following a specific rule, sit her down and explain why that rule is important. Offer an honest reason why students must obey that rule, rather than making up an elaborate story that might sound more convincing. For example, don't say "you cannot run inside because you might fall down and die." Instead, say "let's try not to run inside so we don't bump into anyone."

    Redirect as Necessary

    • One of the quickest ways to resolve a conflict between classmates is to redirect both children to a new activity and remove the temptation causing the dispute. For example, if two children are arguing over a doll, put the doll away for the day and instead offer the children play-dough or building blocks. Redirect their attention to something new quickly.

    Actively Listen

    • If a preschooler disobeys the rules of the classroom, take a few minutes to talk to her about it before passing judgment. Perhaps she had a good reason for disobeying or simply misunderstood the rules. Ask questions and truly listen to her responses. If a child runs in class, for example, perhaps she thought she was going to wet her pants and was hurrying to the bathroom. A few seconds of careful attentiveness can save you both a bit of anxiety.

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