#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

Playground Rules for the Preschool Classroom

Preschool children must be aware of what is safe and what's not to avoid getting hurt and taking unnecessary risks on the playground. Although adult supervision and safe playground equipment is a must, that alone is only part of the equation. Preschool teachers should provide children with information about acting responsibly and playing safely while using preschool playgrounds.
  1. Swing Safety

    • Never walk in front of someone who's swinging.

      In regards to swing safety, preschool teachers should tell children to always properly center themselves on the swing. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends no standing or kneeling on swings for preschool children. Other rules for swings on a preschool playground should include the following: children should grab hold of the swing's chains or ropes with both hands, stop the swing completely before getting off and never walk in front of someone who's swinging. Teachers should tell preschoolers not to swing empty swings or twist swing chains, and only one child at a time should use the swing.

    Slide Safety

    • Running up the surface of a slide can potentially cause injuries.

      Most children love to slide, but without initiating proper safety guidelines, injuries on the preschool playground are possible. Teachers should instruct children in the following rules of slide safety: always slide down feet first; put both hands on the rail while stepping up the slide; never run up the slide surface; and avoid pushing and shoving in line (while waiting to slide). Preschool teachers should also make sure each child is at least an arm's length apart while waiting to slide, and should make sure that the front of the slide is clear before a child slides down. In addition, teachers should teach preschoolers to keep away from metal slides that have been in the sunshine for long periods to avoid burns from the hot metal.

    Seesaw Safety

    • Seesaws often are found on preschool playgrounds. For this reason, preschoolers must understand why safe play is important while playing on seesaws. For starters, teachers should instruct children to always sit facing one another. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission advises absolutely no leaning back. Children should keep a tight grip of seesaw handles at all times while riding and should never walk or run on the seesaw board. Another essential reminder is to teach children to keep their feet out from under the seesaw board as it begins to descend.

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