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Classroom Rules & Discipline for Toddlers in Preschool

Classroom discipline is one of the most vital yet challenging duties any preschool teacher must face. Preschool is the first milestone in toddlers' journey through school. Much of what they learn in terms of discipline and classroom etiquette will be transferred to higher grades. Consequently, preschool teachers should make the extra effort to make sure children are learning good classroom habits.
  1. Rules

    • A preschool child must understand the difference between home and school. They must learn the difference between walking feet versus running feet, inside voice versus outside voice and soft hands versus hard hands. If at any point during the day the child is seen not adhering to the classroom rules, the teacher must approach the student to correct his behavior. Bad behavior should not be overlooked because they are "too little" to understand.


    • Provide each child with a stoplight pattern (green, yellow, red). Place the stoplight on a bulletin board accessible to all children. Every morning, all children start with a green light. If the child's behavior turns inappropriate, approach the child and quietly discuss with him what color of light she thinks she deserves, according to the inappropriate behavior. Allow her to change her own light from green to red or yellow. By allowing children to make changes on their own they have more of an understanding that what they did was inappropriate.

    Happy/Sad Faces

    • Provide each child with a circle. One side should be green and with a happy face, the other should be red with a sad face. This method works similarly to that of the stoplight. Whenever a child engages in inappropriate behavior, allow him to change his happy/green face to sad/red face on his own.

    Cuddle Bear Chair

    • Whenever the child has engaged in any behavior that may require "time out," allow him to sit on a chair with a stuffed bear next to him. Whenever he goes to the "cuddle bear chair," encourage him to talk to the bear about his problems and feelings at the moment.

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