#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

Tambourine Activities for Preschoolers

The tambourine is a percussion instrument used in many different types of music. Tambourines are simple and fun to play, making them the perfect choice when introducing your preschool students to musical instruments. Use tambourines to teach students about music and rhythm. Include tambourines in the dramatic play area for students to play with during their free play time.
  1. Make a Tambourine

    • Help your preschool students make a tambourine. Give each student two plain sturdy paper plates. Encourage students to decorate the bottom of each plate using markers, paint, crayons or stickers. Allow the plates to dry, if necessary, then attach the two plates so that the inside of the plates face each other. Staple halfway around the outside of the plates to attach, then drop a few dried beans, a handful of rice or some small bells inside the plates. Finish stapling the plates so that they are firmly attached. Attach bells around the outside of the plates if desired.

    Playing the Tambourine

    • Bring tambourines in a variety of size and styles for the class to examine. Show students how some tambourines are empty in the middle, while others have material inside that can be tapped like a drum. Encourage students to tap on the tambourine and talk about the sound that is produced. Next, invite students to shake the tambourine to see what kind of sound they can make.

    Find The Rhythm

    • Teach students about rhythm and beat using tambourines. Ask each student to sit down with a tambourine. Clap your hands slowly, and ask students to tap or shake the tambourine each time you clap. Change the rhythm of your claps and encourage students to keep up. Once students are able to match the rhythm, play a name activity. Say your name and tap on a tambourine with each syllable. Go around the room and give each student an opportunity to say his name while tapping out the syllables with the tambourine.

    Making Music

    • Play along with music using the tambourines. Play different types of music and encourage students to tap or shake their tambourine to the beat of the music. Try slow songs and fast songs, and see who can keep up. Sing a few songs that the students already know well, such as The Alphabet Song or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and play the tambourine along with the song. Bring in additional percussion instruments and form a band.

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