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Swimming Crafts for Preschoolers

Summer marks the beginning of swimming lessons and plenty of splashing in the pool for preschool-aged kids. For some, swimming is a scary endeavor. Other kids never want to get out of the water. Get a child excited about learning to swim, preserve memories of days in the pool or entertain your child during winter with crafts about fish, pools and swimming.
  1. Picture Frames

    • Snap a picture during swimming lessons or an afternoon at the pool, lake or ocean and create a picture frame. Select a piece of dark blue or black construction paper for the background and glue the child's photo in the center. Draw and cut out a fish from the child's favorite color, then cut a large hole in the center and position the fish over the photo, hiding the picture's edges and creating a frame. Allow the child to decorate the fish with stickers, markers and wiggly eyes. Cut out yellow starfish, green seaweed and other small fish to enhance the background. Make the frame from craft foam to add durability and place magnetic strips on the back to hang it on the refrigerator.

    Pool Toys

    • Make your own toys to play with at the swimming pool. Cut the feet off a pair of pantyhose and set them aside. Cut the remainder of the stockings in half, wad up each piece of fabric, stuff one piece inside each foot and tie a knot at the end to make your own water bombs. Cut shapes and letters out of craft foam for diving toys or allow children to spell their names and other words by sticking them to the side of the pool. Allow children to color pictures or cut images from magazines. Cover both sides of the images with contact paper. Ensure that the contact paper is about half an inch larger than the picture so that the image doesn't get wet. Trim the edges of the contact paper if necessary. Dive for the pictures or stick them to the wall of the pool.

    Swimming Medals

    • Explain that swimming is an Olympic sport and create a medal for each child. Cut a three-inch circle from cardboard and cover it with aluminum foil or gold spray paint. Allow the children to draw fish, themselves swimming, a pool or other pictures on the medals. Punch two holes, approximately one inch apart, at the top of the medal. String an 18-inch long piece of yarn or ribbon through the medal and secure with a knot, ensuring that the child can pull the medal on and off.


    • Make goggles from craft foam and pipe cleaners. Cut two identical ovals from the craft foam to fit over the child's eyes, then cut out the center of each piece so that the child can see. Cut a 1 1/2-inch section from a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the two ovals, creating the section that crosses over the nose. Secure the pipe cleaner, ensuring that the ends won't scratch the child's face. Wrap pipe cleaners around the opposite side of each oval and twist them together, creating a headband. Add cellophane to the center of the eye pieces and decorate the goggles.

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